Thursday, February 9, 2012

Money Making Secret - 2 Ways to Double Your Home Based Income

Here's a great money making secret about what it takes to double your home based income. In this industry, so many people get involved because of the great wealth potential, with grandiose ideas of quitting their job, moving to the beach, earning millions of dollars with just a laptop or iPad and pina colada (or maybe just a Corona).

However, before you can get there, you've gotta get your business cranking, get that home based income coming in on a regular basis. Of course, everyone's always more interested in looking outside of themselves for a quick fix, a shortcut, an easy answer for easy results. They want "Get rich quick" stuff.

What I'm going to reveal to you though doesn't involve magic, voodoo, a great deal of luck or needing to get help from a guru. Actually, it's pretty simple and straightforward.

Money Making Secret #1: Double the amount of time you put in for double the amount of home based income

This is pretty obvious, right? An easy way to double your home based income is to simply do twice as much by spending twice as much time doing it! (Make you sure you have a good MLM system so you have twice as many people to talk to)

If it takes you 5 hours to sign up one new rep, then do the same amount of activity over 10 hours and voila, you've doubled your income!

Ok, now I know that's not the answer you were looking for, so let me show you a real money making secret, a better way to double your home based income...

Money Making Secret #2: Double your SKILL level and double your home based income

Here's how that works: if you know that you can talk to 10 people about you business (by taking them through your MLM system) and one person will join you, then your ratio is 1 in 10 (1:10). Now, if you take the same ten people and simply increase your skill level to be able to sign up 2 out of those 10, you've now increase your ratio to 2 out of 10 (2:10), thereby doubling your income.

<blockquote>If you make $100 for one person joining you, you now have made $200 from the same ten people. Same ten presentations, same amount of time, just you were more effective during that time with the same ten people.</blockquote>

Pretty simple, right? So maybe it's not much of a money making secret after all, yet still, most people never even realize this is what is necessary to increase your home based income! (Pay attention now, the next part shows you HOW!)

So how do you go about increasing your skill to multiply your home based income?

This isn't a money making secret, but is the only way: Education and experience. You first need to know the skills you need to have to be able to increase your closing ratios and then you need to TAKE ACTION and apply your acquired knowledge by PRACTICING those new skills so that you can double, triple or maybe even get as high as 9 out of 10 to join you. But going from 1 of 10 to 2 of 10 will double your home based income results, so start with that goal in mind...and don't worry about money making secrets.

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